imagine if i . . . read the good news
Sep 10, 2024 - 11:31 PM
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Topic: Community Thrivability

The new items published under this topic are as follows.

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Thursday, August 08, 2024 - 03:12 PM

Community Thrivability
"How the Past Will Forge Our Future to Transform Healthcare" (2023-2024)


"Dialogue with History: The Future of Healthcare"
[is] an education resource composed of a collection of videos
where artificial intelligence brings [...] historical figures
back to life to reflect on contemporary [...] advancements
based on their past breakthrough contributions."
YouTube videos posted by Hector Zenil.

Thursday, April 21, 2011 - 04:20 AM

Community Thrivability

In 2004 (a long time ago), Imaginify noticed something . . .
on the horizon . . . Open Source Ecology!

Now, Marcin Jakubowski is finally featured on TED in 2011, "Open-sourced blueprints for civilization."

One day at a time . . . imagine if i . . . read the good news : )
"[T]he Global Village Construction Set,
building open source technologies for resilient communities
" !!!

Wednesday, March 03, 2010 - 12:00 AM

Community Thrivability
“Thrivability... the designer's role... pays attention to... details of life hidden in the landscape... The invisible frontiers... where modernity has failed to make good on its promises... the wanderer around invisible peripheries, the witness and facilitator of emergent states.”
- "Design" by Joanna Guldi, Harvard Society of Fellows

Image: Public Domain

Sunday, January 20, 2008 - 12:00 AM

Community Thrivability Wikitecture [wiki+architecture] "...a diverse spectrum of individuals interested in exploring the potential of applying an Open Source paradigm to the design and production of both real and virtual architecture and urban planning... conducting ‘Wikitecture’ experiments to work out the exact procedures and protocols necessary to harness a group’s collective intelligence in designing architecture... in much the same way Wikipedia enables a loose, self-organizing network of contributors to collaborate on content creation, the Studio Wikitecture group has been using these experiments to work out the manner by which a group of geographical disperse individuals can come together to share ideas, edit the contributions of others, and to vote on the success or failure of proposed design iterations..."

"OAN Nepal Challenge" via Flickr (updated March 4, 2008)

"Wikitecture Progress Machinima" (video update February 10, 2008)
the Open Architecture Challenge 3D Wiki interface, architectural collaboration,
Building Information Model (BIM) technology. Music by DJ BLUE, via ccMixter.

"Improving Architecture and City Planning by Harnessing the Ideas behind...
Mass Collaboration, Social Networking, Wikis, Folksonomies, Open Source,
Prosumers, Networked Intelligence, Crowd Sourcing, Crowd Wisdom,
Smart Mobs, Peer Production, Lightweight Collaboration, Emergent Intelligence,
Social Production, Self-Organized Communities... and the like."

Wednesday, April 11, 2007 - 07:06 PM

Community Thrivability The American Journal of Public Health recently published a study (field action report) featuring Metamedia collaborator, Mark Lakeman of City Repair Project.
"The Intersection of Urban Planning, Art, and Public Health: The Sunnyside Piazza."

(CC) Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported

A Quote from the Abstract:
"...In an attempt to invigorate neighborhood stewardship, the community organized and created a public gathering place; together, they painted a gigantic sunflower in the middle of an intersection and installed several interactive art features. As a result of these collective actions of "place-making," social capital has increased, thus revitalizing the community, and expanded social networks among residents have stimulated a sense of well-being..."
- Jan C. Semenza, PhD, MPH, MS
School of Community Health, College of Urban and Public Affairs, Portland State University, Oregon

View: Abstract | Full Text | Figures Only | Download: PDF

Sunday, January 21, 2007 - 01:52 PM

Community Thrivability Come support this event and Help... Heal The Ocean!
The ocean can no longer be used as a dump!

Course of Action: instead of lobbying the government for action on ocean-pollution issues, we study the problem ourselves and recommend practical solutions. We undertake scientific studies to identify sources of pollution - from leaking sewer pipes, offshore sewage disposal, leaking coastal landfills or septic systems.

They test for viruses in the ocean, creeks and groundwater to determine if human sources of pollution are present, and what are the likely sources. In cooperation with Santa Barbara County, Heal the Ocean pioneered both the use of environmental DNA testing and virus testing in the local area.

Thursday, January 11, 2007 - 07:43 PM

Community Thrivability The Portland International Initiative for Leadership in Ecology, Culture and Learning (PIIECL) prepares future educators and leaders who are dedicated to creating a world that is livable, ecologically sustainable, bio-culturally diverse and socially just.

WISE WEBSITE featuring Eco!

Free and Open Source Wikibooks :
Climate Change
Earth Science
Open Culture
Outdoor Survival
Social Psychology
Wikipedia in the Classroom

Tuesday, September 13, 2005 - 09:04 PM

Community Thrivability UPDATE: TRYON LIFE COMMUNITY FARM HAS BEEN SAVED! Portland is a future that continues to nourish innovation and livability. Nestled into Tryon Creek State Park in S.W. Portland is the intersection of rural, urban and wild. An Open Commons demonstrates how multiple communities can efficiently live, work, and play in urban density while learning to heal the land, cooperate with each other and change the world.

On this rare landscape, people are coming together to teach and learn the skills needed to ensure a sustainable future city. Tryon Life Community Farm is seven acres, surrounded by 670 acres of state park. Rolling wooded meadows. Fruit trees, grape vines, vegetable gardens, a bonsai nursery...

Thursday, April 07, 2005 - 12:43 AM

Community Thrivability Founded in 1999, Common Vision is a solution focused non profit organization. Common Visions mission is to cultivate awareness and respect for the Earth and to generate social and environmental changes towards sustainable lifestyles.

Common Vision and the Nomadic Institute | Blog | Video

Our organization does this through four branches of focus,
education, restoration of degraded lands, direct action, and
documentation of those projects and other projects for positive change.

We integrate concepts of ecology with the traditions, music, and art of cultures
that live or have lived in harmony with the Earth.

Sunday, October 03, 2004 - 07:04 PM

Community Thrivability Eugene, Oregon. The regional gathering of visionaries, creative solutions and inspiring stories. Please join in this October for a celebration of personal and planetary healing. The mission is to continue the development of a spirited community and highlight and support bioregional diversity and health. Eecognizing the contributions of women and youth within our communities. The conference features a live satellite downlink from the main conference. UPDATED!

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