imagine if i . . . read the good news
Dec 10, 2024 - 10:38 AM
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Monday, January 23, 2006 - 11:43 AM

Imaginify Community From Imaginify: THANK YOU AGAIN!!! to everyone who participated, collaborated and/or attended
Metamedia Cooperation II, 2006
PHOTO TAG : mcii [360° visual screen]

Thank you to our Collaborators:
Downtown Initiative for the Visual Arts (DIVA)
University of Oregon (UO)
••• Cultural Forum (CF)
••• School of Allied Arts & Architecture (AA&A)
••••• Art Department
••••• Arts & Administration (AAD)
••••••• Institute for Community Arts Studies (ICAS)
••• Institute of Cognitive & Decision Sciences (ICDS)
••••• Complexity and Nonlinear Dynamics Focus Group (CAND)

Friday, December 02, 2005 - 02:25 PM

Grassroots Organization and Connection | comments
"Magnifying the Imagination: Imaginify has created a model, shown above, that is also inspired by complexity theory, to help grassroots creative organizations (charities, artists, Open Source practitioners etc.) connect, share knowledge and ideas, and collaborate."
- Dave Pollard,, 11/26/2005

Thursday, November 03, 2005 - 02:24 AM

A BRIDGE WAS BUILT. Imaginify attended a dialogue hosted by the Stanford School of Medicine between His Holiness the Dalai Lama, neuroscientists and Buddhist scholars at Stanford University on November 5, 2005.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005 - 12:52 AM

Emerging Systems WolframTones is based on a core discovery of Stephen Wolfram's A New Kind of Science: that in the computational universe even extremely simple rules or programs can give behavior of great complexity. Each composition is produced by running a program found by searching the computational universe, taking the pattern the program produces, and converting it to a musical score. WolframTones uses a type of program known as a one-dimensional cellular automaton, or Wolfram automaton, studied by Stephen Wolfram since the early 1980s.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005 - 11:59 AM

Resonant Guide A number of open initiatives are actively resisting the extension of intellectual property rights. Among these developments, three prominent instances ¬ó Open source software, open access to research and scholarship, and open science ¬ó share not only a commitment to the unrestricted exchange of information and ideas, but economic principles... Click 'Read More'

Tuesday, January 25, 2005 - 04:55 PM

Imaginify Community Metamedia Cooperation I, 2005
Eugene, Oregon will played host to a new experience in sharing and collaboration, celebrating the connections between creative solutions in art, science and community. This experience is scheduled for Friday, January 28, at the Downtown Initiative for the Visual Arts. With the glut of information we ingest everyday, this experience will provide participants with a new vision of knowledge and community, inspiring creative tools for applied wisdom. With the onset of an emerging Free Culture that encourages sharing, collaboration and mutual partnerships, we have in our grasp the kind of world in which we can not only sustain, but thrive.

"Mandelbrot Head" (Fractal)
by pb via or via Flickr
CC Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0

Wednesday, December 08, 2004 - 03:55 PM

Resonant Guide Higher Education now has an interdisciplinary curriculum of cooperation studies... in which cooperative arrangements, interdependencies, and collective action play a more prominent role... scientists are beginning to see how cooperation actually works in biology, sociology, mathematics, psychology, economics, computer science and political science... Non-students who live in the area can show up to the course without signing up! UPDATED April 28, 2006

Wednesday, November 17, 2004 - 01:28 PM

Open Intellect "How to Protect Yourself From Vandals, Viruses If You Use Windows"
1) Curing viruses
2) Stopping spyware
3) Stuffing spam
4) Browsing safely

Monday, September 27, 2004 - 10:31 PM

Seeding Ground How much oxygen did your furniture produce today? "Fill and cover with dirt, spinkle with grass seeds and water . . . This item can not be gift wrapped. As a bonus, you don't have to worry about bringing the couch inside for the winter...." Take an idea and organicize it!

Friday, August 13, 2004 - 03:27 PM

Community Thrivability Imaginify the Bioneers and Planetwork conferences converging together in a symphony of ecological and technological imperatives. That's the way the 2005 World Exposition in Aichi, Japan (March 25 through September 25, 2005) is poised to go...From the website, "The site is being constructed with minimum possible impact on the environment in order to fully symbolize and express the Expo's theme 'Nature’s Wisdom.' One pavilion, Growing Village doesn't build houses they grow them...."

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       • Deep Learning
       • Machine Learning
       • Reinforcement Learning
       • Artificial Intelligence



       • Blender [3D Suite]
       • Firestorm Viewer
       • GitHub
       • Libre3D
       • Metaverse Project
       • Mozilla Hubs
       • NIH 3D Print Exchange
       • OpenKinect
       • OpenNI2
       • OpenSim
       • OpenSourceVR
       • OpenWonderland
       • PlayCanvas
       • Sirikata
       • Sketchfab
       • Thingiverse
       • 3D Warehouse
       • Unity 3D
       • WebGL (Moz)
       • WebXR API (Moz)
       • Yeggi
       • YouMagine

Blog. Cliff Gerrish - Echovar
Blog. Solving For Pattern
Blog. PaulBHartzog
Blog. Dave Pollard
Blog. George Por
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Visual Complexity