imagine if i . . . read the good news
Jan 20, 2025 - 04:49 PM
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Academic Commons
Chronicle of Higher Education
Larry Lessig, Harvard Berkman Klein
Jonathon Richter, Immersive Learning Research Network
Doug Blandy, UO Folklore
Mark Johnson, UO Philosophy
Antonio Lopez, John Cabot Univ.
Victoria Vensa, UCLA Art|Sci
Berkman Center, Dana Boyd
Berkman Center Harvard Law
MediaBerkman Harvard Law
Bioneers Collective Heritage Institute
Cardozo Law, Susan Crawford
Complexity Digest
Cooperation Commons *
Digital Humanities UCLA
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Intl. Society for Systems Sciences
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Institute for Ethics and Emerging Tech
Kairos: Rhetoric, Tech, Pedagogy
MIT CMS New Media Literacies
NML Blog
MIT Center for Civic Media
Music Cognition Matters
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Category: Organizations

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Saturday, November 04, 2023 - 12:00 AM

Awareness Research
Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) Studio
free/open-source | cross-platform | screencasting | live streaming

Provides real-time capture, scene composition, recording, encoding, and broadcasting via
• Real Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP);
HTTP Live Streaming (HLS);
Secure Reliable Transport (SRT);
Reliable Internet Stream Transport (RIST); and/or
Web Real-Time Communication (WebRTC).

OBS Github

Tuesday, March 03, 2015 - 10:10 AM

Open Intellect
:: UPDATED MARCH 3RD 2015 ::
A Short Guide to the Digital Humanities [Open Access]. 2012. MIT Press (pp. 121–136).
Anne Burdick, Johanna Drucker, Peter lunenfeld, Todd Presner, & Jeffrey Schnapp.

Digital_Humanities [Open Access]. 2012. MIT Press (pp. i-x and 1-141.
Anne Burdick, Johanna Drucker, Peter lunenfeld, Todd Presner, & Jeffrey Schnapp.

Cover: Jeremy Eichenbaum. Image: 9780262018470.jpg, JPG circa 2012. MIT Press

Wednesday, March 03, 2010 - 12:00 AM

Community Thrivability
“Thrivability... the designer's role... pays attention to... details of life hidden in the landscape... The invisible frontiers... where modernity has failed to make good on its promises... the wanderer around invisible peripheries, the witness and facilitator of emergent states.”
- "Design" by Joanna Guldi, Harvard Society of Fellows

Image: Public Domain

Tuesday, March 03, 2009 - 12:00 AM

Open Intellect
:: UPDATED JUNE 24TH 2009 ::

Meta-Manifesto : June 16, 2009 : In Development


Whitepaper : March 1, 2009 : Final Version
: Characteristics :
Socially Engaged
Timely and Relevant

"The Mona Lisa" by Leonardo da Vinci
Public Domain

Friday, July 25, 2008 - 12:07 PM

Emerging Systems
Wikipedia : Cycles

"This image has been (or is hereby) released into the public domain by its author, Cumbrowski at the English Wikipedia project.
This applies worldwide. In case this is not legally possible:
Cumbrowski grants anyone the right to use this work for any purpose,
without any conditions, unless such conditions are required by law."

Time ^ Calendar
Planetary cycles
Astronomical cycles
Climate and weather cycles
Geological cycles
Agricultural cycles
Biological and medical cycles
Brain waves and cycles
Mathematics of waves and cycles
Electromagnetic spectrum
Sound waves
Economic and business cycles
Music and rhythm cycles
Religious, mythological, and spiritual cycles
Social and cultural cycles
Military and war
& Spirals . . .

10th Anniversary of Media Ecology

Sunday, January 20, 2008 - 12:00 AM

Community Thrivability Wikitecture [wiki+architecture] "...a diverse spectrum of individuals interested in exploring the potential of applying an Open Source paradigm to the design and production of both real and virtual architecture and urban planning... conducting ‘Wikitecture’ experiments to work out the exact procedures and protocols necessary to harness a group’s collective intelligence in designing architecture... in much the same way Wikipedia enables a loose, self-organizing network of contributors to collaborate on content creation, the Studio Wikitecture group has been using these experiments to work out the manner by which a group of geographical disperse individuals can come together to share ideas, edit the contributions of others, and to vote on the success or failure of proposed design iterations..."

"OAN Nepal Challenge" via Flickr (updated March 4, 2008)

"Wikitecture Progress Machinima" (video update February 10, 2008)
the Open Architecture Challenge 3D Wiki interface, architectural collaboration,
Building Information Model (BIM) technology. Music by DJ BLUE, via ccMixter.

"Improving Architecture and City Planning by Harnessing the Ideas behind...
Mass Collaboration, Social Networking, Wikis, Folksonomies, Open Source,
Prosumers, Networked Intelligence, Crowd Sourcing, Crowd Wisdom,
Smart Mobs, Peer Production, Lightweight Collaboration, Emergent Intelligence,
Social Production, Self-Organized Communities... and the like."

Wednesday, August 08, 2007 - 04:43 PM

Open Intellect
Letter from Second Life (Ginsu Yoon) to First Life (Darren Barefoot)

Archive: JAN 2007:
Creative Commons License
• • • •
"Symposium on Creativity"

"Why Creativity Matters", Aug 2007
Larry Johnson, CEO, The New Media Consortium (NMC)
NMC Creative Commons License
InternetGen Communicator

Post-New Silent Gen...

Wednesday, April 11, 2007 - 07:06 PM

Community Thrivability The American Journal of Public Health recently published a study (field action report) featuring Metamedia collaborator, Mark Lakeman of City Repair Project.
"The Intersection of Urban Planning, Art, and Public Health: The Sunnyside Piazza."

(CC) Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported

A Quote from the Abstract:
"...In an attempt to invigorate neighborhood stewardship, the community organized and created a public gathering place; together, they painted a gigantic sunflower in the middle of an intersection and installed several interactive art features. As a result of these collective actions of "place-making," social capital has increased, thus revitalizing the community, and expanded social networks among residents have stimulated a sense of well-being..."
- Jan C. Semenza, PhD, MPH, MS
School of Community Health, College of Urban and Public Affairs, Portland State University, Oregon

View: Abstract | Full Text | Figures Only | Download: PDF

Tuesday, March 27, 2007 - 01:52 AM

Resonant Guide Initiative to Provide Digital Images to Scholars at No Charge
"In a new initiative designed to assist scholars with teaching, study, and the publication of academic works, The Metropolitan Museum of Art will distribute, free of charge, high-resolution digital images from an expanding array of works in its renowned collection for use in academic publications... effective immediately. Scholars – in higher education and in museums – have been struggling with the question of how digitization might help to enable, rather than hinder, scholarly communications. For all involved, it is obvious that, when faced with an important directional challenge, the Metropolitan is providing decisive leadership."

"...often referred to simply as "the Met", is one of the world's largest and most important art museums." (wikipedia) "It first opened on February 20, 1872 with a mission to collect, preserve, and display works of art spanning 5,000 years of world culture from every part of the globe, and to educate the public about art – is the most comprehensive art museum in the Western Hemisphere with a collection now including more than two million works of art."

Title: Deutsch: Einschiffung nach Kythera
Artist: Watteau, Antoine
Source: Wikipedia, public domain
License: GNU Free Documentation License, The Yorck Project

Saturday, March 03, 2007 - 12:34 AM

Imaginify Community :) EMERGING BITS AND PEACES FROM...
Metamedia Cooperation III, (2007)

Wiki : Meta Media wiki by Ward Cunningham, 12/20/2008.
"This December, 2008...was devoted to the extension of the human self... We first presented this material in 2007 at the third MetaMedia Cooperation, Eugene, Oregon."

Possibilities for Transformational Conference. (CC) NC-SA 3.0 PDF by Tree Bressen
with Debby Sugerman and Sunrise Facilitation Collective, 1/10/2008.

"....And further, we found and developed tools for participatory events that we were able to apply more fully at other happenings, such as the “Metamedia Cooperation.” What is proposed here arises out of that experience and more... We want to spread tools to help bring the new paradigm to life. With that experience in mind... "

Un-museum for the Imaginify Metamedia III by Kaliya Hamlin, Unconference Blog, 4/24/2007.
" amazing event that I had the honor of facilitating a small part of... been to all three annual Metamedia Cooperations so far and this one was again mind expanding... a whirl of visionary art, transformational Music, stimulating interdisciplinary academic/research and community offerings. The museum opened it self up to visionary art on the ceiling and walls and amazing music...."

Pass my congratulations on by Mary Unruh, Downtown Initiative for the Visual Arts, 4/6/2007.
"...a great success. I've heard nothing but good feedback, including from people involved with the Schnitzer Museum. I think it is incredible how Metamedia has continued to grow and still maintatin the energy of the first one..."

Participant Reflection by Jack Semura, Physics, Portland State University, 3/15/2007.
"Thank you for the stimulation of Metamedia 3. The entire experience was a full spectrum of kaleidoscopic impressions. The final evening performance was deeply beautiful..."

Eugene Weekly, 3/8/2007.
"...this past weekend saw a remarkable collection of visual artists, dancers, musicians, culture scholars, filmmakers, scientists, philosophers, poets and ecologists coming together at the museum for an interactive experience called Metamedia3. The "happening," for lack of a better word, came in conjunction with the PIELC [Public Interest Environmental Law Conference], plugging art into legal activism as well. This is what a living art museum is all about: bringing a diversity of people together in creative ways through art, and planting seeds of connection and hope for the future..."

Metamedia 2007 by Diana, Myspace Blogs, 3/8/2007.
"I went to this event at the UO called metamedia last saturday. Based on the flyer which I had picked up at a gallery I thought I was attending some sort of art show and talk about how artists and scientists are collaborating. What I found was much more than an art show, and it apparently happens annually. There were professors there from Stanford, Portland State University, the UO, LCC, and some college in Pennsylvania I think. There were designers and scientists as well. The artists hung their art up, a collaborative installation took place, and strange airy music was played. The ideas broached there were fascinating, it was like being part of a giant think tank that was planning the future..."

Participant Reflection by Kurt Fendt, Comparative Media Studies, and Metamedia, MIT, 3/7/2007.
"It was truly a great experience and your concept of bringing a diverse group of people together to discuss a range of issues on a broader, interdisciplinary scale certainly worked very well. I met some really interesting and nice people and I hope some of the conversations will continue... Thanks again for a wonderful experience."

re: Metamedia 3 by Attendee, 3/7/2007.
"Wow... I can only imagine all the work and determination and love it took to make it happen. Of course I missed the first two MMCs but I am glad I caught this one (especially as it may be the last?). I've been working so hard these recent months with my jobs and such that I've scarcely gone out at all. But to make it to this event meant a lot to me... I felt called. "Metamedia" encompasses most everything I'm passionate about. And I fully support your vision/intention..."

Participant Reflection by Klaus Krippendorff, Communication, University of Pennsylvania, 3/6/2007.
"... it was surely not what I expected, but you predicted it to be an emergent event and it was. I enjoyed many installations and the care people took to be innovative and appealing. I enjoyed the conversations and I was glad that my 12 minute presentation triggered lots of discussions and caused many subsequent encounters..."

by Thomas Knoblauch, Public Domain

Year of the Circle.
message from Tom Marioni
Conceptual Artist, Sculptor, & Metamedia2 collaborator, 3/3/2007.

"100 years ago in 1907 Picasso invented cubism.
For me this year is the year of the circle or to connect with cubism, spherism.
One definition of circle is "a group of people" like my "The Act of
Drinking Beer with Friends is the Highest Form of Art", (1970).
Since 1977 we have been in a neo period.
What goes around comes around.
I am only drawing circles this year."

(photo coming soon)

Glassroots Organization (Worldview), 2007
David Willis featuring Karma Moffett
Prince Lucien Campbell Memorial Courtyard

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Fly Through






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