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Jul 27, 2024 - 01:06 AM
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Sunday, January 14, 2007 - 10:24 PM

Sunday, August 13, 2006 - 12:55 AM

Seeding Ground Community Supported Agriculture, or CSA, is aimed at both increasing the quality of food and the quality of care given the land, plants and animals – while substantially reducing potential food losses and financial risks for the producers. Fairview Gardens was the second farm on the West Coast to offer a CSA.

The Center for Urban Agriculture at Fairview Gardens is a California non-profit organization that was established in 1997 to preserve and operate Fairview Gardens. Founded in 1895, the historic Fairview Gardens is considered by some to be the oldest organic farm in southern California, and is now preserved in perpetuity through an agricultural conservation easement.

The Center's mission is to preserve the agricultural heritage of this 100-year-old farm; provide the local community with fresh, chemical-free fruits and vegetables; demonstrate the economic viability of sustainable agricultural methods for small farm operations; research and interpret the connections between food, land, and community well being; and nurture the human spirit through educational programs and public outreach both on and off the farm.

Fairview Gardens offers a "hands on" apprenticeship program, in which apprentices work side-by-side with our field and marketing staff to learn the art and craft of farming through direct experience and observation.

Apprentices are encouraged to keep a journal of their observations and questions and meet regularly with the farm management staff for more formal instruction and guidance. The classes, workshops and other educational programs offered at the farm are available to apprentices at no charge. While the demands of the farm are our first priority, we direct apprentices towards materials, projects, and visits that can round out their experience here.

Certified Organic by Guaranteed Organic Certification Agency, 760-731-0496

"It maybe when we no longer know what to do, We have come to our real work, And that when we no longer know which way to go, We have begun our real journey."
--Wendell Berry, philosopher, poet, essayist, farmer, novelist, and social activist.

Thursday, August 10, 2006 - 02:52 AM

Emerging Systems
Freedom River

Narrator: Orson Wells | Parable: Warren H. Schmidt
Writer: Sam Weiss| Screenplay: Joseph Cavella

Complexity Rising:
From Human Beings to Human Civilzation, a Complexity Profile

"A schematic history of human civilization reflects a growing complexity of the
collective behavior of human organizations. The internal structure of organizations
changed from the large branching ratio hierarchies of ancient civilizations,
through decreasing branching ratios of massive hierarchical bureaucracies,
to hybrid systems where lateral connections appear to be more important than the hierarchy.
As the importance of lateral interactions increases, the boundaries between subsystems become porous.
The increasing collective complexity also is manifest in the increaseing specialization and diversity of professions.
Among the possible future organizational structures are fully networked systems where hierarchical structures are unimportant."
- The New England Complex Systems Institute (NECSI) by Yaneer Bar-Yam

Monday, July 31, 2006 - 02:44 AM

Creative Stimulus Elephants Dream is the world’s FIRST OPEN MOVIE, made entirely with open source 3D modeling, animation, rendering, post-production, interactive creation and playback software ( Available in all major operating systems under the GNU General Public License.

AND ... All the production files are freely available to use
however you please, under a Creative Commons license.
HAvE FuN!!!!!

Friday, June 16, 2006 - 05:54 PM

Open Space

1.Whoever is there are the right people.
Everybody has his or her role in the story.

2. Whatever happens is the right thing to happen.
Everything happens for a reason and is there to help us gain more insight.

3. Whenever it starts, it starts.
Magic has its own timing.
It might already start weeks before the [experience/conference] happens.

4. Whenever it stops, it stops.
Don’t linger on, when the feeling is too good, nor stay when things that don’t work.
Follow the flow.

5. Follow the law of the two feet.
Keep your own responsibility.
You can leave an [experience/workshop] if it doesn’t suit you.

6. Be prepared to be surprised.
The soul always leads us to our highest good, but it might be an unexpected journey.

It is also; a concept in urban planning:
* Public space, Urban open spaces and greenways
* Landscape
* Piazza
* Plaza
* Courtyard

Friday, October 07, 2005 - 03:19 AM

Open Intellect Richard Davidson, a neuroscientist at the University of Wisconsin has used fMRI and electroencephalography (EEG) to image the brains of six Buddhist monks, during and outside of meditation. When Davidson asked the monks to induce a state of compassion in themselves, they showed a much greater shift toward left frontal brain activity than subjects untrained in meditation. A new project, OpenEEG helps to give resources to create low cost EEG devices and free software (GPL licensed) to go with it.

Friday, September 30, 2005 - 05:26 PM

Resonant Guide The New Library of Alexandria, is dedicated to recapture the spirit of the initial organization, which is estimated to have stored at its peak 400,000 to 700,000 parchment scrolls. The library's destruction remains a mystery. The dream of rebuilding the Ancient Library of Alexandria and of reviving the legacy of that great center for learning has long enticed the imagination of intellectuals and scientists all over the world. It is now a reality.

Friday, April 15, 2005 - 03:39 PM

Creative Stimulus Freesound is a huge collaborative database of sounds - not songs or compositions - but sounds: audio snippets, samples, recordings, bleeps. All sounds uploaded to the site must be licensed under the Creative Commons Sampling Plus license.

The Music Technology Group and the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, have created The Freesound Project
which provides new and interesting ways of accessing these samples...
* Browse the sounds in new ways using keywords, a "sounds-like" type of browsing and more
* Up/Download sounds to and from the database, under the same creative commons license
* Interact with fellow sound-artists!

Thursday, April 07, 2005 - 02:15 AM

Open Intellect Freevo is a media platform that brings together various applications for video recording and playback. Under its open format, the user can fully customize Freevo to suit their media viewing needs. Because Freevo is on an open platform, users can create plugins that do things TiVo and other PVRs cannot... Its main feature is its ability to schedule and record television broadcasts.

Freevo: Freedom For Your TV by Howard Wen, 01/27/2005

Monday, March 21, 2005 - 01:44 PM

Creative Stimulus From, "From the people who gave you the Internet Archive comes Ourmedia, a place for grassroots media to flourish. Upload anything, maybe a video, some pictures, your custom applescript, and it gets hosted for free, for life. Drupal is hosting the site, and the Internet Archive is providing hosting and bandwidth for the files." The site is very bogged down right now, so be patient...

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