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Friday, December 09, 2005 - 03:43 PM

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Imaginify CommunityFriday, January 20th 2006 at the EMU Ballroom, University of Oregon. Eugene, Oregon will once again play host to an experience in sharing and collaboration, celebrating the connections between open source & organic solutions in art, science and community. This year will acknowledge the transdisciplinary space between analog and digital ecologies. From the organic to the cybernetic, from the earth to the internet.... This experience is scheduled for 5pm.
<----click here PHOTOS AND MORE
Poster Designed by: Rocketeye
Presented by: University of Oregon Art Department, Art & Administration, Cultural Forum & Institute for Community Arts Studies, Downtown Initiative for the Visual Arts & Imaginify Community Network
Space: EMU Ballroom, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon
Place: Corner of 13th Avenue & University Street
Time: Friday, January 20, 2006. Doors open at 5pm.
Price: $10 - ? suggested donation

This integral experience with cutting-edge academics from the fields of music, physiology, psychology and technology will feature, Open Space for communities at the forefront of eco-design, place making and social creativity. Art installations will be curated by the Fenario Gallery featuring the visionary works of Kris D, Dhira Lawrence, Mark Henson, David Heskin, Nemo, Roman Villagrana and others. Multimedia video presentations will focus on Creative Commons, Holocosmos, Pod Collective and Spotworks. Atmospheric sounds will be mixed and remixed by Highdropod, G.A.S.P, The Theurgic Seed Cooperative and others, along with visuals by Dreamer John. Composer & Imaginify creative director, Jair, will serve as a guide through this in-person and teleconferenced environment continuing the evolution of this new "Meta-Cooperation" space.

• Recommended Tools; notebook, writing implement, laptop , open intellect . . .
• WiFi and some power strips will be available

All ages are welcome.

Scheduled Participants
Holly Arrow, Associate Professor, Psychology Department, University of Oregon
Scott "Spot" Draves, PhD, Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
Steven Fickas, Professor, Computer Science, University of Oregon
Alder Fuller, PhD, Evolutionary Biologist, Complexity Theory, Euglena Education
Strawberry Gatts, Movement Science, College of Applied Medicine, University of Illinois
Michael Gosney, Green Century Institute & Califia Project, San Francisco
Jair, Imaginify Community Network
Scott Kveton, Associate Director, Open Source Lab, Oregon State University
Tom Marioni, Conceptual Artist & Lecturer, "Digital Sound as Sculpture Material" UC Berkeley & Reed College
Hope Medford, Tryon Life Community Farm, Portland
Joel Levey, Brain/Mind Fitness, Clinical Faculty, Center for Spirituality & Health, University of Minnesota Medical School, and Faculty, Institute for Religion & Health, University of Texas Medical Center
Peter Moore, Business Director, Breitenbush Hot Springs
David Oaks, Director, MindFreedom International
Jon Ramer, Cooperation Studies, Seattle PlaNetwork
Erik Sundelof, Digital Visions Program, Stanford University

Unconference Dialogue Facilitation
Tree Bressen

Art Installations
Kris D, Live Analog Painter & Digital Remixer, Alumni, University of Georgia
Scott "Spot" Draves, HD Digital Media (distributed open source), Alumni, Carnegie Mellon University
Mark Henson, Analog Painter, Sculptor, & Lecturer, American Visionary Art Museum & Alumni, University of California at Davis
David Heskin, Analog Live Painter, International Symposium on Digital Earth
Holocosmos, Digital Metamedia, Boettcher Scholar Alumni, University of Denver
Lindy Kehoe, Live Analog Painter, Author, & Instructor, River School, Napa
Mark Lammi, Glassworks, Adjunct Faculty, Chemeketa & Artist Ambassador, National Liberty Museum, Philadelphia
Dhira Lawrence & Emily Chaison, Analog Painters, Alumni, University of Hawaii
Nemo, Live Ambidextrous Analog Painter & Sculptor, Eugene Magazine, 2007
Phong (Anson Vogt), Digital Graphic Artist, 3-D Animator & Art Director, Interscope/ Vagrant Records
Carey Thompson, Analog Painter, Project Restoration, Conscious Alliance
Zachary True, Digital Graphic Artist, Alumni, Lane Community College
Roman Villagrana, Live Analog Painter, Project Restoration, Conscious Alliance
Xavi, Analog Painter & Clothing Designer, World Space Party, NASA Ames Research Center

Music Atmosphere & Performances
DJ Jeremiah [eug]
G.A.S.P. [pdx]
DJ Goz [sf]
Galactic Dub Council [sf]
Highdropod [sf]
Theurgic Seed Coop [eug]

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