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Wednesday, August 09, 2006 - 09:08 PM
Wikimania 2006 eArchive [8.09.06] Wikimedia Conference, by Jimbo Wales, Eben Moglen, Lawrence Lessig, Judith Donath, Ward Cunningham, Chris Messina, Brewster Kahle, Michael Eisen, Jenny Preece, Mitch Kapor... • Open-Source Networked Journalism Meets SmartMobs [8.09.06] MasterNewMedia, by Robin Good • Credibility and copyrights in the new improved media [8.09.06] InTheField, by Erik Sundelof (2006 RDVP Fellow) • Futurism Without Gadgets [8.07.06] Open the Future (Podcast #1), by Jamais Cascio • Chance and choice experiences, presencing as community art [8.06.06] Community-Intelligence, by George Por • Cell phones: A new tool in the war-zone blogosphere [8.01.06] CNN, by Marsha Walton • Can Technology change Social Processes? [7.30.06] Reuters Digital Visions Program, by Carlos Miranda Levy (2004 Fellow) • Introducing NewAssignment.Net [7.25.06] Journalism.NYU.Edu, by Jay Rosen • Stanford Fellow Imagines Every Cell Phone as Citizen Media Outlet [7.18.06] PBS, by Mark Glaser Monday, July 31, 2006 - 02:44 AM
Elephants Dream is the world’s FIRST OPEN MOVIE, made entirely with open source 3D modeling, animation, rendering, post-production, interactive creation and playback software ( Available in all major operating systems under the GNU General Public License.
however you please, under a Creative Commons license. HAvE FuN!!!!! Monday, July 03, 2006 - 07:06 PM
Ubuntu is a desktop-oriented Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support (Debian GNU/Linux). Ubuntu use only free software to provide an up-to-date yet stable operating system for the average user, and available to you free of charge. P.S. Cory Doctorow-- just switched from Mac to Ubuntu.
•Well Known Techies Switching from Mac to Ubuntu (kairosnews) • Switch to Ubuntu (apress) Ubuntu is a free, open source operating system that starts with the breadth of Debian and adds regular releases (every six months), a clear focus on the user and usability (it should "Just Work", TM) and a commitment to security updates with 18 months of support for every release. Ubuntu ships with the latest Gnome release as well as a selection of server and desktop software that makes for a comfortable desktop experience off a single installation CD. WIKI The following list covers some of the software components included as part of version 6.06 of the Ubuntu Desktop. Much of it (such as GIMP, and Firefox) is considered standard software for the free desktop (see Examples of Free Software). * GNOME desktop environment and accessories * Gedit text editor * GIMP image editor * Firefox web browser * Gaim instant messenger * Evolution email and personal information manager (PIM) * office suite * Synaptic software package manager * Totem movie player * Rhythmbox music player Most other free software can be obtained from the package repositories through Synaptic or the simplified Add/Remove Programs utility. Edubuntu is a GNU/Linux distribution designed for use in classrooms, it's also Free in the sense of giving you rights of Software Freedom. Edubuntu has been developed in collaboration with teachers and technologists in multiple nations worldwide. The primary goal of Edubuntu is for an educator with limited technical knowledge and skill to be able to set up a computer lab, or establish an on-line learning environment, in an hour or less, and then administer that environment without having to have much knowledge on the subject. Friday, June 16, 2006 - 05:54 PM
1.Whoever is there are the right people. Everybody has his or her role in the story. 2. Whatever happens is the right thing to happen. Everything happens for a reason and is there to help us gain more insight. 3. Whenever it starts, it starts. Magic has its own timing. It might already start weeks before the [experience/conference] happens. 4. Whenever it stops, it stops. Don’t linger on, when the feeling is too good, nor stay when things that don’t work. Follow the flow. 5. Follow the law of the two feet. Keep your own responsibility. You can leave an [experience/workshop] if it doesn’t suit you. 6. Be prepared to be surprised. The soul always leads us to our highest good, but it might be an unexpected journey. It is also; a concept in urban planning: * Public space, Urban open spaces and greenways * Landscape * Piazza * Plaza * Courtyard Sunday, May 28, 2006 - 08:21 PM
THE TEN ADVANTAGES OF CHESS [excerpt 060606] ( • Cathedral & the Bazzar • • Down & Out in the Magic Kingdom • • Free as in Freedom • • Free Culture • • Open Source Democracy • • Open Source Shakespeare • • We the Media • Sunday, April 30, 2006 - 03:23 PM
Recognizing the rights of both the users and the creators of art, this art show was organized in support of creative works that enable a more participatory culture.
Why is this important? Just think: where would Disney be if there were no fairy tales? "Sharing is Daring" is a showcase of new & derivative artworks released under flexible licenses that allow for sharing & remixing. What is Harvard Free Culture? [[ Mailing List | Blog | Wiki ]] A group of artists, bloggers, computer geeks, and activists who believe: A healthy, vibrant culture must continually be improved and refashioned by those who live in it. This requires a thriving public domain and cultural commons that anyone can build upon or reshape. The Free Culture Movement aims to empower individuals and communities to reject mere consumption of culture in favor of participation, to actively critique, create, and innovate in media, technology, and art. To achieve this ideal, Harvard Free Culture seeks to promote open intellectual property policy and channel the power of technology toward appreciation, creation, and distribution of participatory culture. Monday, April 24, 2006 - 02:24 PM
The Open Source Metaverse Project provides an open source metaverse engine as an alternative to the commercial metaverse engines (Second Life, There and Active Worlds..). UNTIL THEN, HERE WE ARE... Creative Commons in 2ndLife... What's next? Open Source Webmap APIs? Lawrence Lessig, analog in the digital. Saturday, April 08, 2006 - 01:33 AM
"LED Throwies II..." The Graffiti Research Lab is dedicated to outfitting graffiti writers, artist and protestors with open source technologies for urban communication...... 00101000101001010001010010001010100101010010 00101010100000010100101010010101000101001010 100101001010010100101001010100000100101010101 101010010100101001010010100010?20010101010101 00001000101001100010101001000100001010101010 110-All you see is...crime in the source code-10111110 1101001001000101010010001001010101011110100?2 10101010101010111101111111001010011100101000 101001010111010110101101010010010101010011011 01101010101211WHAT IS THIS010100010000010 101010100101010011010100101001010101010010100 010011001001010010011000101010`1010110101001 11110100000101111101000000111010000101 Monday, March 13, 2006 - 08:40 PM
"an outdoor hacker conference/event took place on a large event-campground. New communities bordering common themes which loosely defined as 'hacker issues.' "We feel it is very important for people from different fields dealing with one or more of these issues to meet at larger events. We would also like to introduce new topics and forge new links between various communities. We haven't even kept count of the interesting things that happened, both on- andoffline, simply because the right people met at one of these events.
* government transparency * computer insecurity * privacy * open software, open standards & software patents * community networking Lat 51°33.270858 / Lon 5°20.620584 / July 28-31 2005 Liempde, near Den Bosch, The Netherlands And oh yeah: it is a lot of fun too!" Monday, February 27, 2006 - 04:19 PM
July 9-14, 2006 @ Sonoma State University. The 50th anniversary conference of the International Society for the Systems Sciences offers an opportunity to celebrate and reinvigorate a half-century of interdisciplinary collaboration and synthesis.
• Complex Systems and the Roots of Systems Thinking What can the sciences of complexity teach us about social justice and sustainability? • Self-Organization and Living Systems What is the nature of the relationship between information and consciousness? • Ecological Systems and Sustainability How do we manage information in a way that fosters effective decision-making processes? • Social Systems Design and Practice How do we nurture organizational structures that serve human needs while also protecting our resources for future generations? |
       • Deep Learning OPEN FORGES
       • Blender [3D Suite]
Blog. Cliff Gerrish - Echovar
Blog. Solving For Pattern
Blog. PaulBHartzog
Blog. Dave Pollard
Blog. George Por
Electronic Frontier Foundation [EFF]
Free Software Foundation News
Future of the Book
High Fidelity Dreams Scott Draves
H+ magazine
IFTF Future Now
Kolabora Collaboration
Make Magazine & Craft Zine
Nation of Makers
Neurotechnology Zack Lynch
NextNow Collaborative
Valley Zen
Visual Complexity