imagine if i . . . read the good news
Feb 09, 2025 - 08:20 PM
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Metamedia Cooperation III, 3/03/2007
Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art at the University of Oregon
An experience in sharing and collaboration, celebrating the connections between creative solutions in art, science and community. Courtyards, galleries, and theaters feature metalogues and installations weaving collective memory. Integrative fields, modulative frequencies, and regenerative scapes interactivate a Living Learning Archive. Celebrate creative place and space.

Nora Bateson, Documentary Filmmaker, "Gregory Bateson: That Reminds Me of a Story"
Frances Bronet, Dean, Architecture and Allied Arts, University of Oregon
Dianne Brause, Co-Founder, Lost Valley Educational Center, Dexter, OR
Stuart Cowan, General Partner, Sustainable Urbanism, Autopoiesis LLC
Ward Cunningham, Inventor, Wiki, Collaborative Software
Kurt Fendt, Research Director, Comparative Media Studies and Co-Principal Investigator/Manager, Metamedia Project, MIT
Jair, Creative Director, Imaginify Community Network
Klaus Krippendorff, Gregory Bateson Professor, Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania
Steve Larson, Professor, School of Music and Dance, and Member, Institute of Cognitive and Decision Sciences, Music Cognition, University of Oregon
Paula Noel, Adjunct Professor, Department of Philosophy/Conflict Resolution/Indigenous Mind, Portland State University
Thomas McFarlane, Founder, Center for Integral Science, and Alumni, Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness, California Institute of Integral Studies
Tom Munnecke, Founder, Uplift Academy, and Alumni, Digital Visions Program, Stanford University
Pramod Parajuli, Executive Director, Portland International Initiative for Leadership, Ecology, Culture and Learning, Graduate School of Education, Portland State University
Howard Rheingold, Non-Resident Fellow, Annenberg Center for Communication, University of Southern California (USC), and Digital Journalism/Metamedia, Stanford University
Jack Semura, Department of Physics, Cosmology & Complexity, Portland State University
Bonnie Simoa, Lead Dance Professor, Continuum Movement, Lane Community College
Thea Vandervoort, Coordinator, ArtsBridge, JSMA at the University of Oregon
Debra Wade, Accredited Member, International Association of Color Designers
David Willis, Analog Glassworks, NewArt Northwest & Alumni, University of California at Berkeley

Downtown Initiative for the Visual Arts (DIVA)
Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art (JSMA)
University of Oregon (UO)
-- Cultural Forum (CF)
-- Institute of Cognitive & Decision Sciences (ICDS)
---- Complexity and Nonlinear Dynamics Focus Group (CAND)
---- Music Cognition Focus Group
-- School of Architecture & Allied Arts (AAA)
---- Art Department
---- Arts & Administration (AAD)
------- Institute for Community Arts Studies (ICAS)
-- School of Law
---- Public Interest Environmental Law Conference (PIELC)
-- School of Music and Dance

Metamedia Cooperation II, 1/20/2006
Erb Memorial Union (EMU), University of Oregon
Eugene, Oregon will once again play host to an experience in sharing and collaboration, celebrating the connections between open source & organic solutions in art, science and community. This year will acknowledge the transdisciplinary space between analog and digital ecologies. From the organic to the cybernetic, from the earth to the internet....

Holly Arrow, Psychology Department, University of Oregon
Scott Draves, HD Digital Media, Alumni, Carnegie Mellon University
Steven Fickas, Computer Science, University of Oregon
Alder Fuller, Biology & Complexity, Euglena Education
Strawberry Gatts, Movement Science, College of Applied Medicine, University of Illinois
Michael Gosney, Green Century Institute & Califia Project, San Francisco
Jair, Imaginify Community Network
Scott Kveton, Open Source Lab, Oregon State University
Tom Marioni, Conceptual Artist, UC Berkeley Art, Technology, and Culture
Hope Medford, Tryon Life Community Farm, Portland
Joel Levey, Clinical Faculty, Center for Spirituality & Health, University of Minnesota Medical School, and Faculty, Institute for Religion & Health, University of Texas Medical Center
Peter Moore, Business Director, Breitenbush Hot Springs
David Oaks, Director, MindFreedom International
Jon Ramer, Seattle Network Coordinator, PlaNetwork
Erik Sundelof, Fellow, Reuters Digital Visions Program, Stanford University

Downtown Initiative for the Visual Arts (DIVA)
University of Oregon (UO)
-- Cultural Forum (CF)
-- Department of Psychology
-- Institute of Cognitive & Decision Sciences (ICDS)
---- Complexity and Nonlinear Dynamics Focus Group (CAND)
---- Group Formation and Collective Action Focus Group
-- School of Architecture & Allied Arts (AAA)
---- Art Department
---- Arts & Administration (AAD)
------ Institute for Community Arts Studies (ICAS)

Metamedia Cooperation, 1/28/2005
Downtown Initiative for the Visual Arts (DIVA)
Eugene, Oregon will play host to a new experience in sharing and collaboration, celebrating the connections between creative solutions in art, science and community. Multiple Theaters, Galleries & Spaces for Revisioning Patterns and Perspectives for Thrivable Culture Through a Variety of Modalities including; Live Synchronized Music, Multimedia & Visual Art Presentations. . . also featuring Integral Dialogs with Visionaries, Leaders, and Guides from throughout our NW Bioregional Community.

Holly Arrow, Psychology Department, University of Oregon
Tom Atlee, The Co-Intelligence Institute
Ben Barrett, The Eugene GNU/Linux User's Group
Robert Bolman, Maitreya Ecovillage
Robert Brown, School of Business Administration, Portland State University
Alder Fuller, Biology & Complexity, Euglena Education
Kaliya Hamlin, PlaNetwork, San Francisco, California
Jair, Imaginify Community Network
Mark Lakeman, City Repair Project
John Orbell, Political Science Department, University of Oregon
Richard Taylor, Physics Department, Material Science, University of Oregon

Downtown Initiative for the Visual Arts (DIVA)
University of Oregon (UO)
-- Insititue of Cognitive & Decision Sciences (ICDS)
---- Complex Adaptive Dynamical Systems Focus Group (CADS)
---- Evolution and Cognition Focus Group
-- Arts and Administration Program (AAD)

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       • Unity 3D
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       • WebXR API (Moz)
       • Yeggi
       • YouMagine

Blog. Cliff Gerrish - Echovar
Blog. Solving For Pattern
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