News [1]: Imaginify 2 :: Coming 2006 [2]

Posted by : Admin on Dec 02, 2005 - 02:25 PM

Grassroots Organization and Connection [4] | comments [5]
"Magnifying the Imagination: Imaginify has created a model, shown above, that is also inspired by complexity theory, to help grassroots creative organizations (charities, artists, Open Source practitioners etc.) connect, share knowledge and ideas, and collaborate."
- Dave Pollard,, 11/26/2005

Happy Holidays!

January 20 2006 • EMU BALLROOM • University of Oregon

"The territory no longer precedes the map nor survives it. It is the map that precedes the territory... and thus, It would be the territory whose shreds are slowly rotting across the map."
- Simulacra and Simulations, Jean Baudrillard

Imaginify Symbolic [7] Pattern Language
2D Integrative Circular [8] : Horizontal (incomplete) [9] : OpenSpectrum Model [10]

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"In other words, all of my books are lies. They are simply maps of a territory, shadows of a reality, gray symbols dragging their bellies across the dead page, suffocated signs full of muffled sound and faded glory, signifying absolutely nothing. And it is the nothing, the Mystery, the Emptiness alone that needs to be realized: not known but felt, not thought but breathed, not an object but an atmosphere, not a lesson but a life."
-Ken Wilber, 2000

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"We say the map is different from the territory. But what is the territory? Operationally, somebody went out with a retina or a measuring stick and made representations which were then put on paper. What is on the paper map is a representation of what was in the retinal representation of the man who made the map; and as you push the question back, what you find is an infinite regress, an infinite series of maps. The territory never gets in at all. [¬Ö] Always, the process of representation will filter it out so that the mental world is only maps of maps, ad infinitum."
- Gregory Bateson, in "Form, Substance and Difference," from Steps to an Ecology of Mind

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"In time, those Unconscionable Maps no longer satisfied, and the Cartographers Guild drew a Map of the Empire whose size was that of the Empire, coinciding point for point with it. The following Generations, who were not so fond of the Study of Cartography saw the vast Map to be Useless and permitted it to decay and fray under the Sun and winters." ... "In the Deserts of the West, still today, there are Tattered Ruins of the Map, inhabited by Animals and Beggars; and in all the Land there is no other Relic of the Disciplines of Geography."
- ‘On Exactitude in Science,’ Jorge Luis Borges

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Look for BIG design updates in 2006
:: Transdisciplinarity [15] :: Open Collective Invention :::

Imaginify 2 :: Coming 2006 | Log-in or register a new user account [16] | 0 Comments
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